in config.js
Last updated
in config.js
Last updated
This script can be standalone, if needed, and we implemented two basic frameworks. You can change to your preferred framework like this:
"useCommandToOpenUI" <- Must be true
If you are using ESX and want it to be registered by it, please pass "useESXFrameworkToRegisterCommand" as true
If you are using QBCore and want it to be registered by it, please pass "useQBCoreFrameworkToRegisterCommand" to true
Otherwise leave these 2 values false and it will be generated by a "RegisterCommand".
"useRegisterItemNameToOpenUI" <- must be true
"registerItemName" <- must contain name of the object that will be registered as usable and can be registered
"useRegisterItemOfAllLootBoxesToOpenUI" <- must be false
"useRegisterItemNameToOpenUI" <- must be false
"useRegisterItemOfAllLootBoxesToOpenUI" <- must be true
If you want to enable logs, please enter the link to your Discord webhook in the file located in server/webhook.lua